Download Library For Android Studio

  1. Sep 13, 2019  As a mobile developer, the Android SDK is an integral part of your development environment, and as such it’s important for new developers to.
  2. KryptoPrefs is an open source Kotlin library for handling encrypted SharedPreferences in Android. Lightweight library (70 KB) with no dependencies. High compatibility (API 9 to API 29). Modular: Use the provided algorithms or make your own. Usable from Java and Kotlin. Supports the Android Keystore. KryptoContext for higher level.
  3. Apr 10, 2019  Getting Started with a library project in Android Studio. So we're working on creating Android Material Awesome, a library which will hopefully incorperate the benefits of Material Design, Twitter's Bootstrap, and FontAwesome. What we really wanted is a project other people can easily include into their projects using gradle dependencies.
  4. Note: Some Firebase SDKs for Android offer an alternative Kotlin extensions library. Sync your app to ensure that all dependencies have the necessary versions. If you added Analytics, run your app to send verification to Firebase that you've successfully integrated Firebase.
  5. Sep 15, 2015  This video show how to add external JAR as library module in Android Studio, org.apache.http as a example.
  1. Android Studio Add Library
  2. Android Studio Download For Mac
  3. Import Library Android Studio
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Note: With the release of Android 9.0 (API level 28) there is a new version of the support library called AndroidX which is part of Jetpack. The AndroidX library contains the existing support library and also includes the latest Jetpack components.
You can continue to use the support library. Historical artifacts (those versioned 27 and earlier, and packaged as*) will remain available on Google Maven. However, all new library development will occur in the AndroidX library.
We recommend using the AndroidX libraries in all new projects. You should also consider migrating existing projects to AndroidX as well.

Sep 24, 2018  Today, Android Studio 3.2 is available for download. Android Studio 3.2 is the best way for app developers to cut into the latest Android 9 Pie release and build the new Android App bundle. Since announcing this update of Android Studio at Google I/O ‘18, we have refined and polished 20+ new features and focused our efforts on improving the quality for this stable release of Android Studio 3.2.

How you setup the Android Support Libraries in your development project depends on what features you want to use and what range of Android platform versions you want to support with your application.

This document guides you through downloading the Support Library package and adding libraries to your development environment.

The support libraries are now available through Google's Mavenrepository. We no longer support downloading the libraries through the SDKManager, and that functionality will be removed soon.

Choosing Support Libraries

Before adding a Support Library to your application, decide what features you want to include and the lowest Android versions you want to support. For more information on the features provided by the different libraries, see Support Library Features.

Adding Support Libraries

In order to use a Support Library, you must modify your application's project's classpath dependencies within your development environment. You must perform this procedure for each Support Library you want to use.

To add a Support Library to your application project:

  1. Include Google's Maven repository in your project's build.gradle file.
  2. For each module in which you want to use a Support Library, add the library in the dependencies block of the module's build.gradle file. For example, to add the v4 core-utils library, add the following:

Caution: Using dynamic dependencies (for example, palette-v7:23.0.+) can cause unexpected version updates and regression incompatibilities. We recommend that you explicitly specify a library version (for example, palette-v7:28.0.0).

Using Support Library APIs

Support Library classes that provide support for existing framework APIs typically have the same name as framework class but are located in the class packages, or have a *Compat suffix.

Caution: When using classes from the Support Library, be certain you import the class from the appropriate package. For example, when applying the ActionBar class:

  • when using the Support Library.
  • when developing only for API level 11 or higher.

Note: After including the Support Library in your application project, we strongly recommend that you shrink, obfuscate, and optimize your app for release. In addition to protecting your source code with obfuscation, shrinking removes unused classes from any libraries you include in your application, which keeps the download size of your application as small as possible.

Further guidance for using some Support Library features is provided in the Android developer training classes, guides and samples. For more information about the individual Support Library classes and methods, see the packages in the API reference.

Manifest Declaration Changes

If you are increasing the backward compatibility of your existing application to an earlier version of the Android API with the Support Library, make sure to update your application's manifest. Specifically, you should update the android:minSdkVersion element of the <uses-sdk> tag in the manifest to the new, lower version number, as shown below:

The manifest setting tells Google Play that your application can be installed on devices with Android 4.0 (API level 14) and higher.

If you are using Gradle build files, the minSdkVersion setting in the build file overrides the manifest settings.

In this case, the build file setting tells Google Play that the default build variant of your application can be installed on devices with Android 4.1 (API level 16) and higher. For more information about build variants, see Build System Overview.

Note: If you are including several support libraries, the minimum SDK version must be the highest version required by any of the specified libraries. For example, if your app includes both the v14 Preference Support library and the v17 Leanback library, your minimum SDK version must be 17 or higher.


Example steps for Xamarin.Android.Support.v4

Download the desired Xamarin.Android.Support NuGet package (forexample by installing it with the NuGet package manager).

Use ildasm to check which version of android_m2repository.zipthe NuGet package needs:

Example output:

Download from Google using the URLreturned from ildasm. Alternately, you can check which version ofthe Android Support Repository you currently have installed in theAndroid SDK Manager:

If the version matches the one you need for the NuGet package, thenyou don't have to download anything new. You can instead re-zip theexisting m2repository directory that is located underextrasandroid in the SDK Path (as shown the top of theAndroid SDK Manager window).

Calculate the MD5 hash of the URL returned from ildasm. Format theresulting string to use all uppercase letters and no spaces. Forexample, adjust the $url variable as needed and then run thefollowing 2 lines (based onthe original C# code from Xamarin.Android)in PowerShell:

Example output:

Copy into the%LOCALAPPDATA%Xamarinzips folder. Rename the file touse the MD5 hash from the previous MD5 hash calculating step. For example:

(Optional) Unzip the file into %LOCALAPPDATA%XamarinXamarin.Android.Support.v423.4.0.0content(creating a contentm2repository subdirectory). If you skipthis step, then the first build that uses the library will take alittle longer because it will need to complete this step.The version number for the subdirectory ( in thisexample) is not quite the same as the NuGet package version. Youcan use ildasm to find the correct version number:

Example output:

Download the desired Xamarin.Android.Support NuGet package (forexample by installing it with the NuGet package manager).

Double-click the Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 assembly under theReferences section of the Android project in Visual Studio forMac to open the assembly in the Assembly Browser. Ensure that theLanguage drop-down is set to C# and select the top-levelXamarin.Android.Support.v4 assembly from the Assembly Browsernavigation tree. Locate the SourceUrl property under one of theIncludeAndroidResourcesFrom or JavaLibraryReference attributes:

Download from Google using theSourceUrl returned from ildasm. Alternately, you can check whichversion of the Android Support Repository you currently haveinstalled in the Android SDK Manager:

If the version matches the one you need for the NuGet package, thenyou don't have to download anything new. You can instead re-zip theexisting m2repository directory that is located underextras/android in the SDK Path (as shown the top of theAndroid SDK Manager window).

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Calculate the MD5 hash of the URL returned from ildasm. Format theresulting string to use all uppercase letters and no spaces. Forexample, adjust the URL string as needed and then run the followingcommand in a command prompt:

Another option is to use the csharp interpreter to runthe same C# code that Xamarin.Android itself uses.To do that, adjust the url variable as needed and then run thefollowing command in a command prompt:

Example output:

Copy to the$HOME/.local/share/Xamarin/zips/ folder. Rename the file to use theMD5 hash from the previous MD5 hash calculating step. For example:


(Optional) Unzip the file into:

Android Studio Add Library


(creating a content/m2repository subdirectory). If you skipthis step, then the first build that uses the library will take alittle longer because it will need to complete this step.

The version number for the subdirectory ( in this example)is not quite the same as the NuGet package version. As in theildasm step earlier, you can use the Assembly Browser in VisualStudio for Mac to find the correct version number. Look for theVersion property under one of the IncludeAndroidResourcesFrom orJavaLibraryReference attributes:

Additional references

  • Bug 43245 –Inaccurate 'Download failed. Please download {0} and put it to the{1} directory.' and 'Please install package: '{0}' available in SDKinstaller' error messages related to Xamarin.Android.Support packages

Next Steps

Android Studio Download For Mac

This document discusses the current behavior as of August 2016. Thetechnique described in this document is not part of the stable testingsuite for Xamarin, so it could break in the future.

Import Library Android Studio

For further assistance, to contact us, or if this issue remains evenafter utilizing the above information, please seeWhat support options are available forXamarin? forinformation on contact options, suggestions, as well as how to file anew bug if needed.